Friday, June 29, 2007

have you seen my new blog??? I don't know if I'm going to get rid of this one... but my new one is quite important:

Go check it out


Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I think I'm over this blog

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Just Plain Tired

Sooo right now I'm going to vent/complain, so if you don't want to hear it, just stop reading now, and don't say I didn't warn you...

I'm just flat out tired... my life has been so busy this semester that I don't feel like I've really been able to enjoy it, because whenever we actually do something fun, I'm exausted. Mondays are ridiculous... I don't have class till 11am but somehow I've had to wake up early everyday to study for something, so Mondays I go from 9am-8pm pretty much: class, lunch, lab, football, dinner, and then aerobics. At least football is fun, so I don't mind that part of my day. Tuesday and Thursdays I start at 7am running class and go straight through to 5pm when I get off work. Wednesdays I go from 10am-4pm then I have football till 530pm. Then comes Friday... ohhh how I love Friday! Fridays are AHmazing lol... I only have one class from 11am-12pm. Unfortunately most Fridays of this semester I've still been busy doing stuff, but at least it isn't class or work. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have Friday. I probably wouldn't make it through the week.

Now I know that this is the normal life of a college student. I know that being busy till 6pm everyday is what most people are doing, but that doesn't take away from the fact that I am exausted and don't even feel like doing anything once I'm finally off work. Fun doesn't sound fun when all I want to do is sleep or lay on the couch. And then I remember that it's 6pm and I haven't started homework. And I have Anatomy and Physiology this semester. And Movement Anatomy. And these are 2 classes that take up way too much time in my life. I feel like I always need to be studying. And since I'm not, I'm not even doing well in the class. Which bothers me because I always do good in class. I'm not trying to brag or sound full of myself here. I don't always do good because I'm smart, I do good because I work hard in every class. But I just don't have the energy to try as hard as I normally do.

Bottom line... I can't wait for this semester to be over. Which also makes me sad because I'm trying to rush through my last fall semester ever. I want to enjoy this year and have fun, because this is it, it's all over in a few months, and then I know that I will end up missing it. But it's a Catch-22 because I have to work to have money to do things... but when I work I don't have the energy to do things anyways. Basically I just have to tough it out this semester and be tired for the next 2 months. Then figure something out different for next semester because I want to enjoy my last semester and not be tired all the time... but still make money too. Maybe have a different job that I get paid more money per hour, that would make sense haha. We will see.... I guess I should pray about it...

Monday, August 28, 2006

Blogged Out

It's been a while since I posted. I'm not even sure why I'm posting right now, I guess it's more for my own personal satisfaction, since I know that the only people reading this are usually Robin and Ruth, and since I live with one of the two, it doesn't make much sense to be writing for "all you" to read.

Okay, anyways, not much has happened since last posting. It's continued to be a tedious and slighly boring summer, spending 8-5 working and 5-10 being exausted. Fun times.

I moved into the new apartment. A week later Hooch moved in. Then a week later Sarah moved in. And in one more week from now, Emily will move in. It'll be nice for us to all be there. I didn't have much of a community in my apartment over summer. Hooch has been real busy with RA stuff, Sarah with focus stuff, and lucky me, with work stuff. I'll be happy for school to be starting in 9 days.... did i just say that? It will be nice to have a change of pace; to have class and work instead of just work all day. But my paycheck will be decreasing quite significantly, and I'm not gunna lie, that sucks lol. Working full time has had it's benefits, just ask my bank account.

I'm actually at work right now. One hour left. Normally the last hour is the fastest hour of my work day, but I have a feeling this is going to be a long freakin' hour. If I could read it might go by faster. But I don't think that will be happening.

Really, I think this may be the most boring post ever. I'm almost bored to be writing it. It's just making time go a little faster I guess haha. Maybe I'll post with something to say this week. With some thoughts, some perspective. I think I haven't posted any perspective because of that good 'ol saying we were raised to believe.... "If you don't have anything good to say, then don't say anything at all." Okay, okay, mom, I'll keep my mouth shut. So I've had my mouth shut for a while, maybe some good perspective will be ready to come out soon.

Stay tuned to find out...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Sleep, Work, Sleep

I'm bored. I'm bored of being bored. Sleep eat work and then back to sleep.... what a fun and exciting life I's that for a little perspective?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Big Bertha

We're goin to the lake tomorrow!!! YEAH FOR LAKE MEAD!!! I'm soooooo excited to go to Arizona and hang out at the lake for 3 days and not worry about anything and just have fun and enjoy the company of my friends. Skiing, soaking up the sun, bb guns, archery, motor skooters, waverunners, kneeboarding, kayaking, and of course, big bertha... AHmazing! Anyways, I just thought I'd let you all know how absolutely excited I am. So that's where I'll be this weekend, oshkay! Everyone else have a great weekend too, laterrrrr :)

Monday, July 17, 2006

The Block... and a Half

In high school I was on the basketball team. Every week we were required to run the mile. I think it was Wednesdays. Yeah, Wednesdays. Every Wednesday at the end of practice we would walk down to the sand track that wrapped around the less than impressive football field. It wasn't even a stadium, just had 2 bleachers set up on the side. Anyways, that's besides the point. So every Wednesday we would run, and every Wednesday I would come in last. Well, maybe not last; sometimes I finished second to last, or on a really good day, third to last. We were a team of about 10-12 by the way. So anywhere from 10th to 12th place. Every year, I never got any better, I always finished at the end.

After high school ended, I stopped exercising. Completely. Yeah, I gained the freshman fifteen. Maybe even more. Worse than gaining weight, I was just plain unhealthy. Well, maybe that's not worse than gaining weight haha, I can't decide which was worse. Anyways, sophmore and junior year I started exercising more. And by more I mean anywhere from 2-5 times a month. Well towards the end of my junior year I decided to really start running again and get back into shape.

When I got back from Africa at the end of May, I got back into it. I decided Monday through Friday, I'm going to run. I can't miss a day, because if I do, then I might just stop all together. So I've been running 4-6 times a week for the last 6 weeks. Now remember, I SUCK at running. I really, really just suck at it. I can't even run a mile without stopping to walk. Well at least I couldn't that is. So about 2 weeks ago, I finally did it... I ran 2 miles without stopping. I ran all 2 miles and I didn't stop once. I felt like I was the world's best athlete or something haha. (Obviously i'm exaturating) but really, I was proud of myself. So I've been running the last 2 weeks, running 2 miles without stopping.

Sooo, yesterday, I finish my run and I saw Chappie and Carly. Chappie asked me if I wanted to run 4 miles with her. I told her that I barely just learned how to run 2 miles, but after talking with her, I realized that I want to do it. I want to run 4 miles. Now I know that I can't... but a month ago I couldn't run 2 and now I can, so who knows what could happen in another month. So today I decided to start working up to it. So from now on, I'm going to run 3 miles. If I get tired, I'll stop and stretch a little, and then start running again.

So I ran 3 miles today. Once again, it's a new record for me!! I ran 3 miles for the first time in my life!!! I am excited... really excited!! I am excited to eventually work my way up to 4 miles. That will be an exciting day. Now this may not seem like a big deal, but I'm proud of myself haha, I mean this is big news for me. I'm not a runner... well, correction, I wasn't a runner... now I'm becoming one! Really, I'm so excited!!!

Well this was a long blog, just to say how excited I am about running 3 miles... but if you've learned anything about me through this blog, it should be that I never say anything straight forward, I never just get straight to the point, I have to dance around it for a long time before I can actually get to it. But that's kind of the point of a blog anyways, right? So I hope this wasn't too boring, but sometimes my perspective can be that way. Sometimes it's just about me haha, but what can I say, I'm happy. Just plain happy.